Your career
Welcome breakfast, HR integration interview, brief with the administrative team… everything is done so that Algofi is no longer any secret for you!
When you arrive:
You will receive your access to the intranet (Sharepoint) and to the corporate social network (Yammer) You will find team organisation, internal processes, benefits and useful and practical elements for you to familiarise yourself with your new environment.
A savings booklet for employees presenting all the schemes in place to involve you in the company’s success and build long-term savings.
Monthly Integration Breakfast : What better way to break the ice than with a coffee?
During this morning all the new employees are gathered around a breakfast. The idea is to introduce ourselves and exchange ideas in a less formal context that encourages sharing.
Meeting with the sales team will allow you to get acquainted with all our business engineers The purpose is to get an in-depth understanding of your background and present you with all the current needs in line with your expectations.
The majority of recruitment is based on profiles, so it’s possible that you may begin your experience at ALGOFI in intercontrat.
At ALGOFI, we are not afraid of intercontract!
On the contrary, it’s an opportunity for our consultants to train on new technologies or deepen their functional knowledge, to work on internal projects, to participate in the recruitment process by validating candidate profiles, to engage in responding to requests for proposals, or organize training sessions.
Our human resources and competency management policy’s main objective is to foster the growth of talents and teams, while respecting our core values.
It therefore involves both the employee and all the actors of the company (Technical or functional referent, HR Department, Sales Manager, etc.).
ALGOFI offers a wide range of diverse and abundant career growth opportunities. We empower you with the freedom to choose and the opportunity to advance in your profession!
- You are an MOE and want to become a MOA.
- You want to acquire technical or functional expertise.
- You aspire to managerial positions.
- You have a desire to work internationally.
We support you in your career choice.
At Algofi, everything is possible!
Together we define a personalised medium – long term career plan.
Algofi’s goal is to enhance the support for our top potentials by defining a career plan tailored to the employee’s skills, ambitions, and Algofi’s vision.
This allows us to manage and assess your skills, identify your training needs, and tailor mission opportunities accordingly.
Of course, you are the driving force behind your professional growth.
Regular reviews and evaluations (quarterly for project updates and annually for the review of the past year) allow us to better understand any challenges faced, analyze the coherence of the chosen trajectory, define areas for improvement, and validate the motivation and efforts made to achieve your objectives.
If necessary, during these reviews, we can implement corrective measures, such as training or a change in assignment, for example.
The strength of ALGOFI lies in the expertise and skills of our teams. This is why we have a strong training policy in line with our values of excellence and expertise.
The projects you work on are a source of continuous learning, but they are generally not sufficient to ensure this excellence and expertise.
Therefore, we have established partnerships with training centers and renowned publishers.
Training can take several forms:
- Technical: for example on Java JEE programming, Tibco middleware, …
- Functional: Financial instruments, FRTB regulation, …
- Profession: project management, project management profession, development methodology, communication
- Linguistics: English, French, …
- Methodological : AGILITE, CMMI, …
- Certified: ISTQB, CFA, …
The consultant, the HR Department, the Sales Manager or the customer can initiate the training.
We commit to providing feedback to the consultant within 15 days following the training request.
Training can also be conducted internally, i.e led by our senior consultants to capitalize on the expertise of our teams.
The principle of training is based on a win-win approach for both the consultant and ALGOFI.

At Algofi, employees are key contributors to the technical excellence of the company, and each one can share their knowledge and skills with the community through the “Practices” program.
The technical community is organised into 5 Practices:
- C++
- DevOps
- .NET
- Java
And the functional community in 2 Practices
- Structured finance
- Risks and Regulations
These Practices are knowledge-sharing groups that enable the skills development of all their members through means such as workshops, conferences, technological POKs, etc. ; with the aim of producing quality and up-to-date content accessible to everyone.
From the year of ALGOFI’s creation, we aimed to implement an inter-company savings plan to contribute to the establishment of our consultants’ employee savings.
The formula is simple, the employee places a sum of money in a savings account,
ALGOFI offers the equivalent amount to the employee’s contribution.
This is called the “matching contribution,” capped at 1.000€ per year, and this amount is not taxable.
Participation Agreement
Because ALGOFI is above all a collective adventure, we involve the employee in the company’s results and success. This enables us to foster loyalty and motivation among our employees. All employees with more than 3 months of seniority are concerned.
In 2021, more than €190K was distributed to all our employees.
For example, an employee whose salary was €45.000 received €1.245 gross participation.
Participatory bonuses
- Cooptation bonus of up to 2.500€ depending on the profile referred. Co-optation bonus can be accumulated without any limit.
- Business contribution bonus, when the employee identifies a client need in an early phase. If the need is won, the employee receives a bonus of up to € 2.500.
- Training bonus, the training sessions can take the form of Speed Learning (45-minute training with 15 minutes of Q&A), workshops, longer training sessions, etc. These training programs can cover technical, functional, or business-related topics. Remuneration is determined on a case-by-case basis.
- Bonus for the organisation of MEET-UP, business conferences, …
- Bonus for writing articles for the blog, …
Welcome breakfast, HR integration interview, point with the administrative team… everything is done so that Algofi is no longer any secret for you!
Upon arrival:
Your access to the intranet (Sharepoint) and the enterprise social network (Yammer) are given to you. You will find team organization, internal processes, benefits and useful and practical elements for you to familiarize yourself with your new environment.
An employee savings account presenting all the mechanisms put in place to associate you with the smooth running of the company and build up medium-long-term savings.
Monthly Integration Breakfast: What could be better than a coffee to break the ice?
During this morning all the new employees are gathered around a breakfast. The idea is to present oneself and exchange in a less formal setting conducive to sharing.
Meeting with the sales team will allow you to get to know all our business engineers. The objective is to understand in depth your background and present all the current needs in line with your expectations.
Most of the recruitment is done on profile, it is possible that you start your experience at ALGOFI in intercontract.
At ALGOFI, we do not have a phobia of intercontract!
On the contrary, it is an opportunity for our consultants to train on new technologies or to deepen their functional knowledge, to work on internal projects, to participate in the recruitment process by validating candidate profiles, to participate in responses to calls for tenders or to organize training.
Our human resources and skills management policy has the main objective of growing talent and teams, while respecting our founding values.
It therefore involves both the employee and all the actors of the company (Technical or functional referent, HR Department, Sales Manager, etc.).
The evolutions at ALGOFI are many and varied. We leave you the choice and the opportunity to evolve in your profession!
- You are an MOE and want to become a MOA.
- You want to acquire technical or functional expertise.
- You aspire to management positions.
- You want to work internationally.
We support you in your career choice.
At Algofi, everything is possible!
Together we define a personalized career plan in the medium long term.
Algofi’s objective is to optimize the support of our best potential by defining a career plan calibrated on the skills and ambitions of the employee as well as on Algofi’s vision.
This allows us to manage and track your skills; Identify your training needs and adapt mission opportunities.
Of course, you are the engine of your professional development.
The regular points and reviews (quarterly for the project points and annual for the review of the past year) allow us to better understand the possible difficulties encountered, to analyze the coherence of the trajectory taken, to define the areas of progress and to validate the motivation and efforts made to achieve your objectives.
If necessary, we can put in place corrective elements during these points, for example training or a change of mission.
ALGOFI’s wealth is based on the know-how and skills of our teams. This is why we have a strong training policy in line with our values of excellence and expertise.
The projects you work on are a source of continuous learning, but are usually not enough to guarantee this excellence and expertise.
We have therefore set up partnerships with training centers as well as recognized publishers.
Training can take several forms:
- Technical: for example on Java JEE programming, Tibco middleware, …
- Functional: Financial instruments, FRTB regulation, …
- Profession: project management, project management profession, development methodology, communication
- Linguistics: English, French, …
- Methodological : AGILITE, CMMI, …
- Certified: ISTQB, CFA, …
The consultant, the HR Department, the Sales Manager or the customer can initiate the training.
We undertake to return to the consultant within 15 days of the training request.
Training can also be done internally, i.e. conducted by our senior consultants in order to capitalize on the know-how of our teams.
The principle of the training is based on win-win for the consultant and for ALGOFI.

At Algofi, employees are actors of the technical quality of the company and everyone can bring their knowledge and skills to the community through the “Practices” program.
The technical community is organized into 5 Practices:
- C++
- DevOps
- .NET
- Java
And the functional community in 2 Practices
- Structured finance
- Risks and Regulations
These Practices are knowledge sharing groups allowing the skills of all its members to develop through means such as Workshops, conferences, technological POKs etc. ; in order to produce quality and timely content accessible to all.
From the year of the creation of ALGOFI, we wanted to set up an inter-company savings plan in order to participate in the constitution of the employee savings of our consultants.
The formula is simple, the employee places a sum of money in a savings account,
ALGOFI offers the amount equivalent to the employee’s payment.
This is the contribution, capped at € 1,000 per year, this amount is not taxable.
Participation Agreement
Because ALGOFI is above all a collective adventure, we associate the employee with the results of the company and its success. This allows us to retain and motivate our employees. All employees with more than 3 months of seniority are concerned.
In 2021, more than €190K was distributed to all our employees.
For example, an employee whose salary was €45,000 received €1,245 gross participation.
Participatory bonuses
- Co-optation premium of up to €2,500 depending on the co-opted profile. Co-optation premiums can be accumulated without ceiling.
- Business contribution premium, the employee raises a customer need in advance of the phase. If the need is won, the employee receives a bonus of up to € 2,500.
- Training bonus , training can take the form of Speed Learning (45-minute training with 15 minutes of questions and answers), workshops, longer training sessions, … These trainings can be technical, functional or business. Remuneration is determined on a case-by-case basis.
- Bonus for the organization of MEET-UP, business conferences, …
- Premium for writing articles for the blog, …