Being Algofian

Far from the sedentary lifestyle of the working world, when you become an Algofien, we provide you with the means to stay in shape!

Algofi offers you a Neoness membership card

19 gyms in Paris and 27 throughout the Île-de-France region open 7 days a week.

Fully equipped fitness clubs with high-end strength training machines, ellipticals, rowers, treadmills, free weights or guided weightlifting areas, Cross Training spaces, and more. In short, you’ll have plenty of choices!

Near Algofi: 21 rue de la banque, 75002 PARIS

To know everything about Neoness:


Algofi offers you football hours to stay active and foster a sporting spirit within our team.

This year is a football training year as Algofi joined the Corporate League in September 2023.
The Algofi Team meets every Tuesday evening to play against other teams from companies in the same sector, providing an opportunity for colleagues to come together.

We build connections through encounters that you will always remember...

  • Annual Plenary Meeting (cocktail, dinner, theme night, …)
  • Lunch with the Sales Manager
  • Lunch between consultants of the same client
  • Afterwork (Expo, Karting, Escape Game, over a drink, …)

Algofians share their testimonials...